Curriculum vitae

1.      Surname:      Burkov

2.      Firstname:    Anton

3.      Date and place of birth:     13th July, 1976, town of SerovRussia

4.      Gender:         male

5.      Nationality:  Russian

6.      Civilstatus:   Single

7.      Education:     Master of Law (High legal education – rus.)


Particulars of Education

A. Higher Education

Name, place and country of each university



Degrees, Diplomas obtained

Main subjects studied

University of Essex, Department of Law, ColchesterUK


will be completed in 09/2004

LLM in International Human Rights Law 

International Human Rights Law; Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; European Convention on Human Rights; Public Comparative Law and Human Rights; Freedom of Expression, Privacy and Media

The UralsStateLawAcademyYekaterinburgRussia


Will be completed in 12/2004

Ph.D. (Candidate of science – rus.)

Administrative Justice (title of the theses “Judgements as a Source of Russian Administrative Law”)

The UralsStateLawAcademyYekaterinburgRussia



Master of Law (High legal education – rus.)

Civil procedure, Administrative law, Administrative procedure, Constitutional law

Particulars of Education

A. Non-degree programmes

Name, place and country of each university or college



Degrees, Diplomas obtained

State main subjects studied

Columbia University School of LawNew YorkUSA




research on access to justice in Russia through allowing collective complaints tool


1)      Burkov, A. (No. 11/12, 2002) “Execution of Judgments on Acknowledgement of Laws Illegal”, Moscow: Law Journal GrazhdaniniPravo (Citizen and Law);

2)      Burkov, A. (No. 2 and 5, 2003) “War of Courts”, Moscow: Law Journal GrazhdaniniPravo (Citizen and Law);

3)      Burkov, A. (No. 4, 2003) “Judicial Protection of Human Rights in its Most Effective Forms”, Moscow: Law Journal ArbitrazhniyiGrazhdanskiy Process (Arbitration and Civil Process);

4)      Burkov, A. (No. 4, 2003) “About the Administrative Justice Phenomenon”, Moscow Law Journal ZhurnalRossiyskogoPrava (Journal of Russian Law);

5)      Burkov, A. (No. 5, 2003) “Judgments as a Source of Administrative Law”Moscow: Law Journal ArbitrazhniyiGrazhdanskiy Process (Arbitration and Civil Process);

6)      Burkov, A. (2003) “Legal Defense of Civil Rights Violated by Bad Laws”, in The Most Effective Methods of Legal Defense of Human RightsYekaterinburg, PublishinghouseSutyajnik-Press.

7)      Burkov, A. (2003) “European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as a Source of the Russian Administrative Law” in Implementation of International Human Rights Treaties in Russian Legal System.

8)      Burkov, A., Bakhrakh D. (2004) “Courts Judgments as a Source of Administrative Law”, 2 ZhurnalRossiyskogoPrava (Russian Law Journal).







8.      Language skills: (1 to 5 for competence, where 5 is the highest)






Russian (native)

Fluently (5)

Fluently (5)

Fluently (5) 


Fluently (5)

Good (4)

Good (4)

9.      Present position:    Staff Attorney, Project Manager, non-governmental organization Sutyajnik (YekaterinburgRussia); LLM student at the University of Essex.

10.  Yearswithinthecompany:   6,5years

11.  Keyqualifications:

During and following the completion of my master degree in law I have been working as a staff attorney with the non-governmental human rights advocacy group Sutyajnik, founded in YekaterinburgRussia in 1994, which defends the rights and interests of non-governmental public interest groups and provides free legal assistance to low income citizens. Main responsibility are (1) providing legal aid, by telephone and at “drop in” public receptions; (2) providing incorporation and other legal services to NGOs; (3) representation of citizens’ and NGOs’ interests in the courts and other governmental agencies; (4) organization of lobbying campaigns; (5) conduct of training seminars; (6) challenging legislative enactments in the courts; and (7) preparation of applications to the European Court of Human Rights. Further, I have through my work as project manager and director of the NGO’s news agency. I had run a program that I devised during my fellowship at Columbia University School of Law that address the problem of access to justice in Russia through allowing collective complaints in the courts. This project is used as a tool to address various issues in the Russian Urals, such as various types of discrimination and other mass violations of human rights. 

12.  Professionalexperiencerecord:


Details of experience




Job Title

Description of functions

non-governmental organisationSutyajnik 

620072, Russia, Yekaterinburg, SireneviyBurvar, 1-313

Tel.: +7-343-355-36-51



Staff Attorney, programme coordinator

Sector of activity: human rights advocacy

See above point 11

The UralsStateLawAcademy





Conducting seminars on Administrative Law and Administrative Justice





Lecturing Street Law using the interactive methods of teaching

The Urals Institute of Economy, Management, and Law





Conducting seminars on Administrative Law and Administrative Justice

American Centre for International Labour Solidarity `AFL-CIO`

RussiaMoscowSushevskiy Val 3/5Tel.: +7-095-7870753

Sector of activity: labour rights



Staff Attorney

Representation of workers’ and labor unions’ interests in the courts and other governmental agencies; organization of lobbying campaigns; conduct of training seminars.

13.  Specialtrainings

Participation in THE 7th STUDY SESSION ON THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL CHARTER FOR PERSONS INVOLVED IN LEGAL ASSISTANCE TO ROMA/GYPSIES organised by the Directorate General of Human Rights (DG II) and the Directorate General of Social Cohesion (DG III) in co-operation with the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), COUNCIL OF EUROPE, Strasbourg, 16-18 June 2003.

14.  Otherskills:

-         Editingsummaries, articles,booklets, books

-         Runningnewsagency

-         Publishing

-         Preparation and organisation of conferences, press-conferences, seminars, courses, sessions and workshops

-         Managingelectoratecampaigns

-         Computer literate (Word processing, Power Point, spreadsheets, Internet browsers, e-mail)

-         Web-design (Netscape Composer, FrontPage)

-         Photography

14.  DiplomasandCertificates

The diploma of Human Rights Academy about assignment of qualification "The Human Rights Defender" (October 05, 1998, Yekaterinburg, Russia).

The diploma of Human Rights Academy for a victory over Sverdlovsk Oblast Duma (October 05, 1998, Yekaterinburg, Russia).

The grant certificate for a victory in competition “Regular free legal help to poor citizens in the law clinic of NGO” (June 08, 1999, Moscow, Russia).

The certificate of honour on behalf of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for work for the blessing of inhabitants of Yekaterinburg (August 18, 2000MoscowRussia).

The first degree diploma for a victory in the First City Professional Competition "PROFI-YEKATERINBURG" in "Jurisprudence" nomination (August 18, 2000YekaterinburgRussia).

The highest legal prize of Russia, the “FEMIDA” award for the year 2000, “for contributions to the creation of a democratic society and the development of state legal institutions” (February 17, 2001Moscow).

15.  Contactdetails:

Physical address in the UK (until September 2004):

Sainty Quay 4/7D

Lightship Way

Colchester CO4 8GY

United Kingdom

Tel. +44 0870 7506000 (1141)

e-mail: burkov for those outside Sutyajnik network please add  

Physical address in Russia (after September 2004)

620072, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Sireneviy Bulvar, 1-313 

Tel. +7-343-355-36-51