1. Education


  1. Degrees





Degrees. Diplomas obtained

Main subjects studied

Urals State Law Academy, Yekaterinburg, Russia




Title of the thesis “Legal consequences of judgments of the European court of human rights for the Russian Federation

Urals State Law Academy, Yekaterinburg, Russia



LLM in International and European Law

International public law

International Human Rights Law

European Law

Institutions and procedures of international human rights protection


Urals State Law Academy, Yekaterinburg, Russia



Higher  legal education

Civil and criminal procedure

Constitutional law

International law etc.

  1. Non-degree programs and major trainings


Name and place



Diplomas obtained

Main subjects studied

John Smith Fellowship Program (Edinburgh, London)

5 June 2006

15 July 2006

Diploma of the participant

Academic program and professional attachment with special field of interest on practice of executing of European Court of Human Rights judgments and rights of people with mental health problems

Independent Psychiatric Association (Individual internship) 

April 2005

April 2005


Practice of the protection of people with problems with mental health

Regional program on human rights (part II) Belgrade, Serbia

September 2005

September 2005

Diploma with distinction

International human rights law, project management

Regional program on human rights (part I) Raoul1 Wallenberg Institute,  Lund, Sweden

February 2005

March 2005

Diploma with distinction

International human rights law, project management

Netherlands Helsinki Committee Practical Training on Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights with an emphasis on the European Convention of Human Rights (Netherlands)


November  2004

December 2004

Diploma of the participant

Practice of the European Court of Human Rights

1st Study session on the European Convention on Human Rights   and other European Standards for Persons involved in Legal Assistance to People with Mental Health Problems (Directorate General on Human Rights, MDAC) Strasbourg, France

18 November 2004

20 November 2004


Practice of the European Court with emphasis on rights of people with mental health problems

International Human Rights Academy (Utrecht, Netherlands)

July 2004

August 2004

Diploma of the participant

International Human Rights Law

Professional attachment at the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg, France)

June 2003

July 2003

The head of the professional attachment

Structure of the Council of Europe and the ECHR, practice of the Court

USAID program “Support of  human rights  in Russia

(Chicago, USA)

April 2002

May 2002

Diploma of the participant

Judicial system of the US, conception of the public interest cases and human rights advocacy, study visits to NGOs, state bodies

Internship in the International Centre for the Protection of Human Rights “Interights” (London, UK)

March 2001

May 2001


Practice of the international organization, project management, fundraising, practice of the European Court of Human Rights




2. Professional experience:



Name of organization



Job Title

Description of functions

Ombudsman of Sverdlovsk Region




Dealing with citizens’ applications, providing for legal consultations, representing people in courts, drafting analytical materials. Specialization: issues of medical aid, rights of patients, rights of people with mental problems, European Court of Human Rights and other international mechanisms of human rights protection, labor rights, discrimination, freedom of religion, rights of disabled

Ural State Law Academy




Conducting seminars and delivering lectures on International Public Law and Practice of the European Court of Human Rights

Urals Centre for Constitutional and International Human Rights Protection of NGO “Sutyajnik”



Project coordinator of educational programs, trainer

Elaborating,  organizing and providing for educational programs and internship programs for advocates, lawyers, law students, NGO activists

NGO “Sutyajnik”



Lawyer, project  coordinator

Providing for legal consultations, representing people in courts, including European Court of Human Rights, taking cases  to the ECHR, strategic litigation in national and international courts, implementing projects, project management,  supervising project staff.



3. Key qualifications: Qualified lawyer, experienced in human rights protection. The main directions of activity include: providing for legal consultations, representing people in courts, drafting legal analytical reports, editing books on international human rights protection,  conducting trainings and seminars on the International mechanisms of human rights protection and other issues of human rights law. Special fields of specialization: taking cases to the European Court of Human Rights, legal protection of people with mental health problems (for example, I represented the applicant in the case  Rakevich v. Russia, judgment of the ECHR 28 October 2003),  dealing with issues of executing European Court’s judgments in Russia.




4. Publications

Law Journal Articles in Russian:

1) Demeneva   «Strasbourg will judge us now» - The Legal Bulletin (Pravovoi bulleten).  October 2000.

2) Demeneva «Defenceless defenders» - Business-advocate (Biznes-advokat).  November, 2001

3) Demeneva “Who will protect the advocate?” - The legal newspaper (Yuridicheskaya gazeta). August, 2001.

4) Demeneva “Legal persons as applicants in the European court”//Business-advocate (Biznes-advokat) September 2002.

5) Demeneva “The main violations of the European Convention on Human Rights in judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against Russia. Analysis.”  30/09/2006

6) Demeneva “Problems of providing for procedural guarantees in the process of psychiatric expertise in Russian criminal justice.”// Independent Psychiatric Bulletin (Nezavisimyi Psikhiatricheskii Zhurnal) N 2. 2006.

7)Demeneva  “It is not subject to execution…”//Commersant-Money (Commersant-Den’gi) N 37 2005.

8) Demeneva “Legislative regulation  of execution of  judgments of European Court of Human Rights in the aspect of its compliance with the European human rights standards.” // Business-Advocate (Biznes-Advokat)  N 18 (210) September  2005

9) Demeneva “Right to defense: at the discretion of judges”.// EHRAC Bulletin. Vol. 3. 2005.

10) Demeneva  “Case Rakevich v. Russia: legal comment.” // Religion and Law   ¹ 4, December 2003.

11) Demeneva  “Medical secret: confidentiality for everyone, especially for the patient”// Legal World (Yuridicheskii mir) December 2003.


Law Journal Articles in English:

A. Demeneva, A. Burkov “Probable Legal Consequences of Rakevich v. Russia”, Human Rights Law Review Student Supplement 2003-2004, August 2004, at 7-12



1) Demeneva, Petranov (eds.) European Court of Human Rights: rules of applying and procedure. (Evropeiskii Sud po pravam cheloveka: pravila obrascheniya i sudoproizvodstva) (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2001). International Human Rights Protection Series, Vol.1.                           

2) Demeneva (ed. and co-author) European Standards of right to fair trial and Russian practice (Evropeiskie standarty prava na spravedlivoe sudebnoe razbiratelstvo I rossiiskaya praktika). (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2003). International Human Rights Protection Series, Vol.2.

3) Demeneva (ed. and co-author) Right to Freedom and Security of the Person: European Standards and Russian Practice. (Pravo na svobodu I lichnuyu neprikosnovennost: European standards and Russian practice). (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2003). International Human Rights Protection Series, Vol.3.

4) Demeneva, Right to Life in Russian Legislation and Practice (Pravo na zhizn v rossiiskom zakonodatelstve I pravoprimenitelnoi praktike), a chapter in Beliaev (ed.) The Right to Life, Prohibition of Tortures, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment: European Standards, Russian Legislation and Practice. (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2005). Judicial Practice and Human Rights Series, Vol.4.

5) Demeneva, Problems of the executing of European Court’s judgments in the Russian Federation,  a chapter in Churkina (ed.) The Obligations of States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights to Execute Judgments of the European Court. (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2005). Judicial Practice and Human Rights Series, Vol.5.  

6) Demeneva,  Experience and Recommendations on Applying of the European Convention on Human Rights  in Russian Courts, Protection of Right to Hearing by Court established by law -   chapters in  Burkov, ed.,  Domestic application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Russian Courts (Primenenie Evropeiskoi Konvencii o Zaschite Prav Cheloveka v Sudah Rossii) (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2006), 210-220, ISBN 5-7525-1570-X

7) Demeneva, Burkov(eds.), The Constitution of the Russian Federation: 10 years of Implementation. Digest of cases on the Implementation of the Russian Constitution. (Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press 2004). Judicial Practice and Human Rights Series, Vol.1. ISBN 5-7525-1230-1.


5. Language skills: Russian (native), English (fluent)



6. Participation in major trainings and seminars as a trainer and expert:


Name and place


Additional information on the event

“Articles 5 and 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” (Kiev, Ukraine, ABA Rule of Law Initiative)

15-17 June 2007

"Applying of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”(Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Council of Europe, Rostov Centre for civil education)

7-8 December 2006

“European Court of Hyman Rights and Russian practice” (Vladivistok, Russia, ABA CEELI)

25-28 May 2006

«Mechanism of realization and protection of right to freedom of expression»  (Voronezh Mass Media Defence Center)

February 2006

Summer School on Human Rights (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

July 2005

Summer School on Human Rights “Public Interest Law” (Tver, Russia)

2-7 July 2005

“Jury in Russia: lawyers’ practical skills” (Khabarovsk, Russia)

18-31 May 2005 

Rules of applying to the European Court of Human Rights and ECHR practice (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)

March 2004


Constitutional and International Mechanisms of Human Rights Protection (Ekaterinburg, Russia, Kurgan Human Rights Center)

July 2003


 «Strategy and techniques of human rights protection” (Tumen, Russia)

November 2003