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Программа конференции "Европейский суд по правам человека: современные вопросы" (Ноттингем, Великобритания, 10 ноября 2006 г.)




                            Conference Programme

   9am Registration 

   9.30am Welcome

   Professor David Harris

   Co-Director, Human Rights Law Centre

   9.40am   Reform   of  the  European  Court  of  Human  Rights:  Latest

   Judge Lech Garlicki

   Judge of the European Court of Human Rights

   Respondent: Professor Alastair Mowbray

   University of Nottingham

   Chair: Professor David Harris

   Co-Director, Human Rights Law Centre

   10.55am Coffee

   11.30am Terrorism and the European Court of Human Rights

   Professor Conor Gearty

   Rausing Director of the Centre for Study of Human Rights and Professor
   of Human Rights Law, London School of Economics

   Respondent: Professor Colin Warbrick

   University of Birmingham

   Chair: Professor Robin White

   University of Leicester

   12.45pm Lunch 

   1.45pm The Extra-Territorial Application of the ECHR: the Kosovo Cases

   Nuala Mole

   Director, AIRE Centre, London

   Respondent: Matthew Happold

   University of Hull

   Chair: Professor John Merrills

   University of Sheffield

   3.00pm Coffee

   3.30pm State Responsibility under the ECHR: the Bosphorus Case

   Catherine Costello

   Senior Research Fellow, Worcester College, University of Oxford

   Respondent: Professor Jeffrey Kenner

   University of Nottingham

   Chair: Professor David Harris

   Co-Director, Human Rights Law Centre

   4.45pm Closing Remarks

   Professor David Harris

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15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.