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Программа международной конференции по вопросам защиты прав человека с помощью предоставления правовой помощи. Лучшая практика стран Африки, Азии и Восточной Европы




       Conference on Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through
                        Provision of Legal Services

            Best Practices from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe


                           27th-30th March, 2007

                               Draft Program


   Breakfast and Registration

   Welcome and Opening Addresses 

   Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine (invited)

   Mrs  Alla  Tytynnok,  President,  Kherson  Regional Charity and Health

   Ms  Dace  Kavasa, Program Manager, Ukraine, Danish Institute for Human

   Session  One  (Plenary): Legal Services Provision from the Perspective
   of Public Authorities

   Issues for consideration:

   - State-provided / funded legal services and professional independence

   - Reform of legal aid systems

   - Indicators and quality standards for service delivery

   Moderator:  Mr  Avrom  Sherr,  Institute  of  Advanced  Legal Studies,
   London, United Kingdom


   1.  Captain  F.B.  Nanguzgambo,  Former  Executive Director, Legal Aid
   Board of Zambia (invited)

   2. Ms Ta Thi Minh Ly, Director, National Legal Aid Agency, Vietnam

   3.  Representative from Centre of Legal Reform and Legislative Review,
   Ministry of Justice of Ukraine



   Session   Two   (Plenary):   Provision  of  services  by  private  and
   community-based organizations 

   Issues for consideration:

     * Challenges  in  the  establishment  and  operation  of  legal  aid
     * Strategies  for  developing  a  program of services - prioritizing
       different types of assistance.
     * Monitoring and reporting activities
     * Indicators and quality standards for service delivery

   Moderator:  Mr Vasili Kukharchyk, Program Coordinator, Public Advocacy
   /  Legal  Aid,  Amercian  Bar  Association / Central European and East
   Asian Law Initiative, Kyiv, Ukraine


   1. Mr Sam Sok Oeun, Legal Defender's Project, Cambodia

   2.  Mrs  Alla Tytynnok, President, Kherson Regional Charity and Health

   3.  Mr  Kim  McQuay,  Country  Representative,  The  Asia  Foundation,



   Keynote  Speaker:  Mr  Sergiy Holovatiy, Former Minister of Justice of
   Ukraine, Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
   Europe (proposed)


   Session Three: (Plenary): Rights-based approaches in delivery of legal
   aid services

   Issues: - Developmental Legal Aid

   - Legal Empowerment strategies

   -  Strategies  for  pursuing  human  rights  advocacy  through a legal
   services program

   -   Preventative   legal  aid:  strategies  for  promoting  legal  and
   structural change at local and national level.

   Moderator:  Mr  Fergus  Kerrigan, Senior Advisor, Danish Institute for
   Human Rights


    1. Ms Geeta Sangroula, Director, CellRD, Nepal
    2. Representative from Free Legal Aid Group (FLAG), Philippines
    3. Ms Carla Ferstmann, The Redress Trust, London, UK
    4. Mr Paul Mulenga, Legal Resource Foundation, Zambia


   Working Group One: Civil Law 

   Issues  - Access to health, education and other social services, legal
   services  for the homeless, realization of social and economic rights,
   labour rights, land disputes, succession

   Discussant:  Mr  Rudolph Jansen, National Director, Laywyers for Human
   Rights, South Africa

   Working Group Two: Criminal Law 

   Issues - rights issues in the criminal justice process

   Fair trial principles

   Liberty and Security of the Person

   Ameliorating the effects of pre-trial detention

   Discussant:  Mr  Yubaraj  Sangroula,  Faculty  of  Law,  University of
   Kathmandu, Nepal


   Reporting Back to Plenum

   Moderator: Mr Fergus Kerrigan



   Session   Four:  Redefining  Access  to  Justice  -  Informal  justice
   mechanisms and alternate dispute resolution forums

   Issues  -  Role  of  traditional  justice  systems  -  examples of the
   incorporation of rights-based approaches into existing structures

   - Application of alternate dispute resolution techniques as a means to
   reduce the number of cases entering the formal system.

   Moderator:  Mr  Paul  Dalton, Senior Project Manager, Danish Institute
   for Human Rights


    1. Mr   Fazlul  Huq,  Secretary,  Madaripur  Legal  Aid  Association,
    2. Ms   Elinor   Wanyama   Chemonges,  Foundation  for  Human  Rights
       Initiative, Uganda

   3.   Participant   from   Traditional  Justice  Forums  -  Afghanistan



   Evening Roundtable Discussion 

   Moderator: Ms Dace Kavasa, Senior Project Manager, DIHR

   Establishment of an IT-based legal aid knowledge network:

   What  sort  of  platform  will be most appropriate to the needs of the

   Who should be responsible for hosting?

   Who should have access to the network, and how should applications for
   admission,  decissions  regarding posting of materials and messages on
   the network be administered?


   Session Five: The Role of the Legal Profession


     * Respective roles of Lawyers, paralegals and non-lawyers
     * What are the trends at national level? How can best use be made of
       the  relatively  small number of qualified lawyers who are able or
       willing to assist in legal aid programs? What does the future hold
       for  the particiaption of paralegals and non-lawyers particiaption
       in legal services programs?

   Moderator: Mr Tom Geraghty, Professor of Law, Northwestern University,
   Chicago, USA


    1. Representative from Diyarbakir Bar Association, Turkey (invited)

   2. Mr Andrew Kasirye, Legal Aid Project of the Law Society of Uganda

    3. Mr Clifford Msiska, Paralegal Adivsory Service, Malawi

   4.  Mr  Anton  Burkov,  Legal  NGO  `Suchesnik',  Ekaterinburg, Russia



   Closing Session: Holistic approaches to delivery of legal aid services

   -  Holistic approaches seen both `internally' (the organization of the
   organization);  `externally'  (within  a  network of legal aid service
   providers),  and with respect to the service-providers approach to the

   -   Building   bridges  between  public  and  community-based  service

   Moderator: Mr Adam Stapleton, Penal Reform International, Malawi


    1. Mr David McQuoid-Mason, University of Natal, South Africa

   2.  Mr  Roman  Romanov,  Rule  of  Law  Program Manager, International
   Renaissance Foundation, Ukraine

   3.   Professor   Yubaraj  Sangroula,  School  of  Law,  University  of
   Kathmandu, Nepal



   Occasional  Speaker:  `Ukranian  history,  culture  and  likely future

   DAY  4  (Optional  Program  for those able to stay on in Kyiv an extra

   Study tour: 

   Visit  to  legal  service agencies and other relevant Governmental and
   independent institutions


   Individual  meetings  with  Kyiv-based institutions (participants make
   private arrangements).

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15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.