УПОЛНОМОЧЕННЫЙ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ПРИ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ СУДЕ ПО ПРАВАМ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Representative Representant of the Russian Federation . de la Federation de Russie aupres de at the European Court of Human Rights la Cour Europeenne des Droits de I'Homme 14, Zhitnaya, Moscow, 119991 tel. (495) 230-42^0, fax (495) 230-41-93 EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ADDITIONAL MEMORANDUM on application JVs 43724/05 Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Russian Labour Party v. Russian Federation I confirm the receipt of your letter of 27 September 2007 inviting the authorities of the Russian Federation to inform the Court of their position regarding further observations on above application. On the merits of the applicant's observations the Russian Federation authorities inform of the following. aPHipk The Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party "The Russian Party of Labor" now does not exist, as on the specified branch reflected the reorganization of Political Party "The Russian Party of Labor" (which bona fide changed the charter and the name) which structural division was the applicant. Also it is sufficient to point out that by 1 January 2007 the quantity of Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party "The Patriots of Russia was 512 members, that in 4 times exceeds quantity of members of the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Russian Labor Parry as by 17 September 2002, what confirms that the reputation of the Party the same as interests and democratic rights of it's members have not been affected. The Russian Federation authorities do not deny that the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party "The Russian Party of Labor" has been registered and acted as the legal entity, nevertheless all its capacity had been voluntary transferred to the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party "The Patriots of Russia". So the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party "The Patriots of Russia" carries out the activity in full and the present Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party does not claim the violation of the alleged right, guaranteed by the named Article. So, even if to assume the violation, the currently existed Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Russian Labor Party does not hold the interest in adjudging it. The applicant's claim that it's participants may be disappointed about the possibility of the Russian Federation authorities pressure on them is absolutely unfounded due to the fact that information contained in the requested applications may hardly be treated more than the appropriate control over the quantity of the political party, stipulated as the compulsory requirement for functioning of party in the originally democratic state. The Russian Federation authorities believe, that ignorance by the applicant of the legislation of the Russian Federation and also the constitutional principles of activity of the government bodies and the norms providing the rights and freedom of all citizens of the Russian Federation, is not the basis for a recognition of imperfection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or infringements in work of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Furthermore, the Russian Federation authorities would like to inform the Court that the applicant's allegations in the name of Mr. Belyaev on the unlawiulness of the liquidation of the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of Political Party "The Russian Party of Labor" had been examined by national court in due course and were dismissed on the ground cleared in its decisions. However, Mr. Belyaev failed to satisfy the court requirements. As for the rest, the Russian Federation authorities proclaim that the applicant in it's observations on the memorandum failed to present any substantial arguments having prejudicial value for the position of the Russian Federation authorities, presented previously. Yours faithfully, V.MiIinchuk
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