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Судебное дело "Свердловское областное региональное отделение политической партии «Российская партия труда» против России (43724/05)"

ОТВЕТ НА ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ МЕМОРАНДУМ от 25 октября 2007 г. Уполномоченного РФ при Европейском суде по правам человека по жалобе №43724/05 Свердловское областное региональное отделение политической партии «Российская партия труда» против Российской Федерации, поданной 1 ноября 2005 г. / RESPONSE TO ADDITIONAL MEMORANDUM of 25 October 2007 of the Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights on the Application no. 43724/05 by SVERDLOVSK OBLAST REGIONAL BRANCH OF THE POLITICAL PARTY “RUSSIAN LABOUR PARTY” against THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION lodged on 1 November 2005 (на английском)





                            THE POLITICAL PARTY

                           "RUSSIAN LABOUR PARTY"

   620072, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevii bulvar, 1-313 t./f. +7(343)355-36-51

                                           EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS

            RESPONSE TO ADDITIONAL MEMORANDUM of 25 October 2007

   of the Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court
                              of Human Rights 

                      on the Application no. 43724/05


                         lodged on 1 November 2005 

   We  hereby  confirm  the receipt of your letter dated 29 October 2007,
   and  the  accompanying  letter  from the Representative of the Russian
   Federation to the European Court of Human Rights dated 25 October 2007
   with  comments  in  relation  to  just satisfaction and the additional
   memorandum of the applicant.

   In  response  to  allegations  raised  in  the  additional  government
   memorandum we submit the following:

   1. Allegations that Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch of the Political
   Party  "Russian Labour Party" ["the Regional Branch"] does not "exist"
   due  to a constructed transfer of authority to the subsequently formed
   Sverdlovsk  Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Patriots of
   Russia" are unfounded:

   The Regional Branch confirms that it has neither taken any decision to
   re-name nor dissolve the Regional Branch, nor has it elected Mr. Zmeev
   Boris  Nikolaievich, a communist member of the regional parliament, as
   the new head of the Regional Branch.

   The  illicit  and  unauthorized attempt to re-name the Regional Branch
   was  accomplished  through  the state organ (the Bureau of the Federal
   Registration Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast) without any decision of the
   common gathering of members of the Regional Branch. Subsequent changes
   to  the  Unified  State Register of Legal Persons were merely achieved
   pursuant  to an unauthorized application by Semigin G. U., the head of
   the  Political  Party  "Patriots  of  Russia,"  - who is a resident of
   Moscow and a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

   The  Regional  Branch  confirms  that  it  has  no connection with Mr.
   Semigin.  Mr. Semigin's application was delivered to the Bureau of the
   Federal  Registration  Service  in Sverdlovsk Oblast by a Mr. Zmeev B.
   N.,  a  communist member of the regional parliament, with a supporting
   affidavit from Mr. Semigin. Although Zmeev B. N. is a person living in
   Sverdlovsk  oblast, he does not have any formal position, authority or
   relationship with the Regional Branch.

   National  courts  have  persisted  in  their  silent  refusals to duly
   consider  the  constitutionality  of  the actions of the Bureau of the
   Federal  Registration Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast over two-and-a-half
   years.  This  is  set  out  for  fully  in  detail  in the applicant's
   memorandum  (see part 2). On 3 December 2007 Kirovskii district courts
   of Yekaterinburg delivered a decision against the Head of the Regional
   Branch  Beliaev. S. I. who claimed in the law suit that the Sverdlovsk
   Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Patriots of Russia" was
   registered  illegally.  This decision is currently under review before
   the  cassation  instance  (court).  We  hereby  enclose  supplementary
   documentation  which  completes  previous documentation filed with the
   ECHR,  and  draw  the Court's attention to the relevant fact that this
   supplementary  documentation  was  communicated to us only as national
   courts  resumed  consideration  of  matters before them only after the
   Regional  Branch's  application  to the European Court of Human Rights
   was communicated to the government.

   The supplementary documentation provided herein includes:

   - Decision of Sverdlovsk oblast court of 6 March 2007 delivered on the
   cassation  brought by Head of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch of
   the  Political  Party  "Russian  Labour  Party"  Beliaev  S. I. on the
   decision  of  3  November  2006  by  the  Kirovskii  District Court of
   Yekaterinburg  on  the  return  to S. I. Beliaev of the application on
   recognition  as  unlawful  of  the decision of the Chief Bureau of the
   Federal  Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice in Sverdlovsk
   Oblast  on  making  changes  in  the  incorporation  documents  of the
   Regional Branch of the Political Party "Patriots of Russia;"

   -  Decision  of  Kirovskii  district  court  of  19  September 2007 on
   discontinuation  of  the  proceedings  on  the case of the Head of the
   Sverdlovsk  Oblast  Regional  Branch  of  the Political Party "Russian
   Labour  Party"  Beliaev  S.  I.  against  the  Bureau  of  the Federal
   Registration Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast;

   -  Decision  of Sverdlovsk oblast court of 30 October 2007 on quashing
   of  decision  of  Kirovskii  district  court  of  19 September 2007 on
   discontinuation  of  the  proceedings  on  the  case  of  Head  of the
   Sverdlovsk  Oblast  Regional  Branch  of  the Political Party "Russian
   Labour  Party"  Beliaev  S.  I.  against  the  Bureau  of  the Federal
   Registration Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast;

   -  Judgment  of  Kirovskii  district  court  of  3 December 2007 (full
   judgment)  on  the  case of the Head of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional
   Branch  of  the  Political  Party "Russian Labour Party" Beliaev S. I.
   against  the  Bureau of the Federal Registration Service in Sverdlovsk

   Thus,  only  after  its  application  to  the  European Court of Human
   Rights,  was  the  Sverdlovsk  Oblast Regional Branch of the Political
   Party  "Russian  Labour Party" re-registered as the regional branch of
   the  political  party  with  different  name  without any prior or due
   authorization. Under Article 9.2 of the Charter of the Political Party
   "Russian  Labour  Party,"  a regional branch is created by decision of
   the  common gathering of the Party, and a decision of the gathering of
   corresponding regional branch of the Party.

   There  was  neither  a decision of the Political Party "Russian Labour
   Party" nor a decision of the Regional Branch on the change of the name
   of  the  Regional Branch. Therefore, the Russian government's attempts
   to  obfuscate  the matter before the European Court of Human Rights by
   alleging  that  the Regional Branch simply "does not exist" because of
   an  alleged  voluntarily  transfer of authority to the Political Party
   "Patriots of Russia" are without foundation.

   The  Party  which  applied  to  the European Court of Human Rights, in
   order   to   preserve  and  protect  the  very  right  of  freedom  of
   association,  was  re-registered  in  the  state by other persons. The
   silence of national courts in failing to duly considering the legality
   of  re-registration  of  the party in a timely manner - altogether had
   the effect of preventing the European Court of Human Rights from fully
   appreciating  evidence as to the full scope of the violation(s) of the
   right to freedom of association attempted through a name change of the
   Sverdlovsk  Oblast  Regional  Branch  of  the Political Party "Russian
   Labour Party," and its unauthorized re-registration.

   The Regional Branch applied to the European Court of Human Rights on 1
   November  2005.  The  state  registration  of  the  name change of the
   "Russian   Labour   Party"  to  the  "Patriots  of  Russia"  was  only
   accomplished  on  30 January 2006. Taking this temporal component into
   account,  state  complicity  in  illegal  and  illicit (even under the
   Russian  legislation)  attempts to effectuate a name and change of the
   directorship  of  the  Regional  Branch,  which  has  made  this every
   application  to the European Court of Human Rights, becomes altogether

   We re-iterate that only after communication of the present application
   to  this  Honourable  Court,  has  the  government  subsequently  made
   available  to  the applicant documents which can now, in turn, be duly
   submitted  to  the European Court of Human Rights for consideration to
   spell  out  the  full  scope of the violations at issue in the present

   2.  The  Government submits that the Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch
   of  the  Political  Party  "Patriots  of  Russia"  "does not claim the
   violation of the alleged rights."

   The  European  Court of Human Rights may now take judicial notice that
   the Representative of the Russian Federation before the Court, has now
   adopted in toto, the position of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch
   of  the  Political Party "Patriots of Russia" that the Political Party
   "Patriots of Russia" does not claim any violation of the Convention.

   The full adoption of the position of the representative of a political
   party, the Political Party "Patriots of Russia," by the Representative
   of  the  Russian  Federation  before  this  Court,  fully confirms the
   applicant's  version  of  events  as  to  complicity  as  between  the
   Political  Party  "Patriots  of  Russia"  and  State  agents  in their
   orchestrated  illicit attempts to change of the name of the Sverdlovsk
   Oblast  Regional  Branch of the Political Party "Russian Labour Party"
   and usurp its powers without colour of right.

   3.   The  authorities  assert  that  the  demand  to  submit  personal
   applications  is  lawful  for the purpose of conducting control of the
   activities of the Regional Branch.

   Under Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" personal data is
   "any  information  in  regard  to a physical person defined under this
   information  (subject of personal data) including its last name; first
   name;  patronymic  name;  year,  month,  and  place of birth; address;
   family;  social  and  material  status; education; occupation; income;
   other information." Operators, who have access to personal data, could
   be only persons defined by law.

   There  exists no provision of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" which
   would  have  established  transfer  of  personal  data  in the form of
   original  personal  applications on the membership in the Party to the
   Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian

   Provision of Sub-clause "a" of Part 1 of Article 38 of the Federal Law
   "On  Political  Parties"  established  only  an  obligation  to submit
   documents  which  confirm  number  of  members of the Regional Branch.
   These  documents  according  to  the applicant's view, and the initial
   opinion of the authorities of the Russian Federation (at the moment of
   Registration   of  the  Regional  Branch),  are  protocols  of  common
   gatherings  on  the  acceptance of applicants to the membership of the
   Party.  At  the moment of the following examination of the activity of
   the  Regional Branch the Bureau of the Federal Registration Service in
   Sverdlovsk  oblast  interpreted  the  provision  of  Article  38 as an
   obligation   of  the  Regional  Branch  to  submit  original  personal

   The  wording  of  Article  38  which  allows  to  interpret freely its
   provision  does  not  correspond  to  the  Conventional  guarantee  of
   sufficient  precision of legal provisions. In a recent case on Article
   11  of  the  Convention,  the  ECHR  reiterated that "a norm cannot be
   regarded  as a "law" unless it is formulated with sufficient precision
   to  enable  the  citizen  -  if  need be, with appropriate advice - to
   foresee,  to  a  degree  that  is reasonable in the circumstances, the
   consequences   which   a   given  action  may  entail  [...]."  (Parti
   nationaliste  basque  -  Organisation  rgionale d'Iparralde v. France,
   no. 71251/01, Judgment of 07/06/2007 at S: 40.)

   As  it  follows  from  the facts of the present case, the provision of
   Sub-clause  "a"  of  Part  1  of  Article  38  of  the Federal Law "On
   Political  Parties"  does  not provide authorities with the unfettered
   right  to  demand  the submission of original personal applications on
   the  membership  to  the  Party.  The  law  established  the right "to
   acquaintance  with  documents  of political parties and their regional
   branches,  which  confirm existence of regional branches and number of
   membership  of  a  political  party."  The  law  is  also silent as to
   original  personal  applications,  and  cannot be reasonably construed

   The whole of which is respectful submitted.

   The Head of the Sverdlovsk Oblast

   Regional Branch of the Political Party

   "Russian Labour Party" S. I. Beliaev

   1 February 2008


    1. Decision  of  Sverdlovsk oblast court of 6 March 2007 delivered on
       the  cassation  brought  by Head of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional
       Branch of the Political Party "Russian Labour Party" Beliaev S. I.
       on the decision of 3 November 2006 by the Kirovskii District Court
       of Yekaterinburg on the return to S. I. Beliaev of the application
       on  recognition as unlawful of the decision of the Chief Bureau of
       the  Federal  Registration  Service  of the Ministry of Justice in
       Sverdlovsk Oblast on making changes in the incorporation documents
       of  the  Regional  Branch  of  the  Political  Party  "Patriots of
    2. Decision  of  Kirovskii  district  court  of  19 September 2007 on
       discontinuation  of the proceedings on the case of the Head of the
       Sverdlovsk  Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Russian
       Labour  Party"  Beliaev  S.  I.  against the Bureau of the Federal
       Registration Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast;
    3. Decision of Sverdlovsk oblast court of 30 October 2007 on quashing
       of  decision  of  Kirovskii district court of 19 September 2007 on
       discontinuation  of  the  proceedings  on  the case of Head of the
       Sverdlovsk  Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Russian
       Labour  Party"  Beliaev  S.  I.  against the Bureau of the Federal
       Registration Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast;
    4. Judgment  of  Kirovskii  district  court  of 3 December 2007 (full
       judgment)  on  the  case  of  the  Head  of  the Sverdlovsk Oblast
       Regional  Branch  of  the  Political  Party "Russian Labour Party"
       Beliaev  S.  I.  against  the  Bureau  of the Federal Registration
       Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast.



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15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.