"EUROPEAN UNION-KAZAKHSTAN" CIVIL SOCIETY SEMINAR ON HUMAN RIGHTS JUDICIAL SYSTEM AND PLACES OF DETENTION: TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN STANDARDS ALMATY, 29-30 JUNE 2009 HOTEL "INTERCONTINENTAL ALMATY" CONCEPT NOTE AND MODALITIES BACKGROUND In 2007, the European Union adopted a `Strategy for a New Partnership' with Central Asia, aimed at developing further co-operation with the Central Asian region. One of the main objectives of this initiative is the promotion of human rights, rule of law, good governance and democratization in Central Asia through enhanced exchanges in civil society. To this end, the European Commission is organising a series of annual Seminars on a variety of human rights issues, bringing together officials, non-governmental organizations and other civil society representatives. These Seminars will provide an opportunity to discuss international standards and best practices on human rights, and invite civil society to give their perspective on the current situation and challenges in the countries of the region, with a view to developing recommendations for governments. In 2008, the European Union and Kazakhstan agreed to establish an annual human rights dialogue. On 15 October 2008, the first session of the dialogue took place in Astana. Both sides confirmed the importance of having an open, constructive and result-oriented human rights dialogue. A number of specific problems with regard to the human rights situation were discussed including the reforms of the judicial system, freedom of association and assembly, the freedom of expression and the media, freedom of thought and religion, and the rights of women and children. Furthermore, both sides agreed to hold a dedicated human rights Seminar between civil society representatives from Kazakhstan and the EU. AIM OF THE SEMINAR The aim of the civil society Seminar is to contribute to the human rights dialogue through open discussions which will help to enrich the official dialogue. The civil society Seminar will provide an opportunity for discussion between European and Kazakhstan civil society representatives, academics and government officials on human rights topics and on how to enhance the application of human rights. The civil society Seminar on human rights is intended to: * allow academics and members of civil society through non-confrontational discussion to feed the agenda of the official dialogue with their views; * enhance the official human rights dialogue by creating a space for the European and Kazakhstan academic and NGO communities to have open and professional discussions at expert level in order to formulate recommendations for future reforms based on best practices and applicable international standards; * expose academics and civil society representatives to expert analysis on the areas where the use of international human rights standards and EU practices could be further promoted in Kazakhstan. In relation to each specific issue identified in the agenda, discussions should draw on three strands: * Examination of international standards * Examination of current national law and practice * Examples of best practice / alternatives to current practice STRUCTURE OF THE SEMINAR The Seminar will consist of opening and closing plenary sessions, with the participation of representatives from the Kazakhstan authorities, Presidency of the European Union and the European Commission. There will be also two plenary sessions where all participants will take part: one devoted to the issue of law on administrative responsibility and another one focusing on alternatives to imprisonment. Between these two joint plenary sessions all participants will be divided in two workshops: on judicial system and conditions of detention. Participants are encouraged to register in one of the workshops already in advance of the Seminar by conveying their wishes to the Seminar's moderators. They are requested to contribute to all sessions of the assigned workshop. MODALITIES OF THE DISCUSSION Opening speeches Each session of the Seminar will be opened by one of the two moderators, followed by short introductory speeches of the European and Kazakhstani experts identified on the agenda. European speakers are invited to briefly introduce the European standards (main sources of inspiration, refer to organizations/institutions/NGOs that can be used as experts, etc.) and Kazakhstani speakers are suggested to give a short overview of the situation in the country in a given area. Each introductory speech should not exceed 10 minutes and should highlight best practices and recommendations for reform. Written versions of the speeches will be made available to the participants on USB sticks, both in Russian and English languages. Interventions of participants A floor will be then open for discussion among participants who are encouraged to share their theoretical and practical knowledge and experience that will help to formulate proposals for future action in the areas outlined in the agenda. A moderator will give a floor to the participants when seeing a raised hand. The intention is to develop a free-flowing discussion, therefore participants are asked to refrain from lengthy remarks and reading out prepared statements. They are, at the same time, encouraged to intervene during the Seminar as many times as they wish, however, limiting their statements to the specific issues at hand thereby contributing to a genuine discussion. State officials are invited to take the floor in order to respond to issued addressed by civil society participants, in particular when the official feedback appears of particular relevance and importance to the course of the discussion. Interventions should provide ideas that may assist the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in bringing law and practice in line with applicable international standards and give direction of the cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Kazakhstan on an intergovernmental (in particular, the EU-Kazakhstan human rights dialogue) and civil society level. Adoption of recommendations Participants are kindly requested during their interventions to suggest conclusions and concrete recommendations. At the end of each session there will be time allocated for the participants to agree on the recommendations submitted. Adopted wording of the recommendations will be presented during the closing plenary session by the moderators. Participants will then have a last opportunity to make comments and propose corrections. Final recommendations will be submitted to the EU and Kazakhstani officials in view of the official dialogue on human rights which will take place in October 2009. They will also be included in a final report to be produced after the Seminar. The role of the moderators is to ensure that the core issues have been discussed and that recommendations have been made. Two assigned note-takers will keep a record of the discussions. Advance submission of written recommendations All participants can submit concise written recommendations before the Seminar by sending them to one of the moderators. Written recommendations will be taken into account when preparing moderators' reports to the plenary session at the end of the Seminar. Display table for information materials All participants may bring with them background materials that they wish to distribute to the participants of the Seminar. A display table will be made available in the lobby in front of the Seminar rooms. ORGANISATION The event is organised by the European Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. PARTICIPANTS Between 60 and 65 participants are expected, including Kazakhstani senior officials, experts on human rights, representatives of the legal profession, academics, representatives of non-governmental organisations and other civil society actors from Kazakhstan and the European countries, representatives of international organisations and the EU institutions. REGISTRATION The registration for all participants will begin in the morning of 29 June 2009. LANGUAGES The Seminar will be held in the Russian, Kazakh and English languages. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for all sessions. MEALS A Welcome Networking Cocktail will be organized for all participants on Sunday, 28 June at 18.30 in the Hotel "InterContinental Almaty". On behalf of the EU, one dinner will be offered for all the guests at the end of the first day of the Seminar on Monday, 29 June. Two lunches will be organized for all participants as well as coffee breaks during the Seminar days. WELCOME DESK A Welcome Desk will be available during both days of the seminar at the entrance to the seminar venue from 09:00 to 17:30 to register the participants, disseminate the information packs with all relevant materials and respond to the participants' queries. WORKING HOURS OF THE SEMINAR The seminar will take place in the Ball room and Astana meeting room. The working hours are as follows: Monday, 29 June: Registration of Participants 09:00 - 09:30 Seminar 09:30 - 17:40 Tuesday, 30 June: Seminar 09:00 - 17:30 1
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