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Судебное дело "Ранцев против Кипра и России"

Письмо кипрских властей о выплате справедливой компенсации (англ)




                             REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS

                         LAW OFFICE OP THE REPUBLIC

   A.G. 88(0/1 989/Y245/5

   26 July 2010

   Ms Ludmila Mikahilovna CHURKINA


   TurgenevStr, 10-11




   BY FAX (007 343 355 3651) AND POST

   Dear Madam,

           Application No. 26965/04: RANTSEV v. Cyprus and Russia

   I  refer  to  the  above  application  in  which  the Court issued its
   judgment  on  7 January 2010, The judgment became final on 10 May 2010
   and payment must be issued until 10 August 2010.

   I would appreciate it if you informed me of your client's bank details
   (name  and  address  of  bank, IBAN number and BIC number or SWIFT) in
   order  to effect payment. The amount awarded is free of any taxes that
   may  be chargeable to your client, If your client will pay or has paid
   any  taxes  on  the  awarded  amount, please send us proof for that in
   order  to  enable  us  to  return the tax, We also need a copy of your
   client's passport.

   Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

                              Yours sincerely,

                              Petros Clerides

                 Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus

                          Agent for the Government


                  Law Office of the Republic, 1403 NICOSIA

         Tel,: 22889115, Fax,; 22665080, email; att@gen@law.gov.cv

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15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.