EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ' COUR FUROPEENNE DES DROITSDE L'HOMME Lе Greffier / The Registrar #3196083 Circular letter to NGOs and applicants' representatives 26 July 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, The President of the European Court of Human Rights has asked me to invite you to a one-day meeting between the Court and representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations and international Bar Associations. The meeting has been organised not only to discuss practical aspects of bringing cases before the Court, but also to exchange views on the different problems facing the Court. This type of exchange may be especially useful in the context of the Interlaken follow-up. The meeting will take place on Thursday 21 October 2010, beginning at 9.30 a.m. and ending at approximately 5.30 p.m. The venue is the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg. Please note that the Court is unable to offer any reimbursement of travel or accommodation expenses of participants. It will, however, provide a lunch on the day for all those attending. I would be grateful if you could inform Valeric Schwartz (e-mail address: valerie.schwartz@echr.coe.int) by 7 October 2010, using the enclosed reply slip, whether your organisation/association plans to be represented at the meeting, along with the name of the person who will participate. Yours faithfully, Enc.: Draft agenda Reply slip T I +33 (0)38841 20 18 F I +33 (0)3 8841 2730 [1]www.echr.coe.int АDRESSE ADORE iS COUNCIL OF EUROPE I CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE 67075 STRASBOURG Cedex, France Ссылки 1. http://www.echr.coe.int/
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