SVERDLOVSK OBLAST REGIONAL BRANCH OF THE POLITICAL PARTY "RUSSIAN LABOUR PARTY" 620072, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevii bulvar, 1-313 t./f.+7(343)355-36-51 EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS the Application no. 43724/05 by SVERDLOVSK OBLAST REGIONAL BRANCH OF THE POLITICAL PARTY "RUSSIAN LABOUR PARTY" against THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION lodged on 1 November 2005 LETTER to inform about annulment of the power of attorney of one of the representatives and change of the postal address of another representative Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Russian Labour Party" informs the European Court of Human Rights about annulment of the power of attorney of Kachanov Roman Evgenievich (Качанов Роман Евгеньевич), registered at the following address 620007, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Karelskaya Street, 86-103 (Россия, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Карельская, 86-103). Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Russian Labour Party" also informs the European Court of Human Rights about the change of the address of Dr. Anton Burkov (Бурков Антон Леонидович), another representative of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Russian Labour Party" before the European Court of Human Rights. The address is now changed to 620075, Russia, Turgenev Street, 11-1 (620075, Екатеринбург, ул. Тургенева, 11-1). New power of attorney on Dr. Anton Burkov is attached. Head of Sverdlovsk Oblast Regional Branch of the Political Party "Russian Labour Party" Sergey Beliaev 29 December 2009 Appendix: 1. Power of attorney.
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