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Письмо из ЕСПЧ от 26 сентября 2005 г. (на английском языке)




                              COUR EUROPEENNE

                           DES DROITS DE L' HOMME



                                                     Г-же ШАРКУНОВОЙ T.A.

                                          (для г-на Шаркунова В.В. и г-на

                                                          Мезенцева А.А.)

                                           ул. Чайковского, 88/1, кв. 23,

                                                         г. Екатеринбург,

                                        Свердловская обл., 620130, РОССИЯ

                                              ZRU - 620130, Yekaterinburg

                               FIRST SECTION


   TTI/ktc 26 September 2005

   Application no. 75330/01


   Dear Sirs,

   I  enclose  a  copy  of  the  Government's  observations  on the above

   The President of the Chamber has instructed me to invite you to submit
   by  18  November 2005 at the latest any written observations which you
   may  wish  to  make  in  reply  on  behalf  of the applicants. You are
   requested  to  send  me  a  copy  of your observations by mail and, if
   possible,  by  fax.  I would remind you that under Rule 34 S: 3 of the
   Rules   of   Court   all   communications   of   applicants  or  their
   representatives  shall  as  a  rule  be in one of the Court's official

   Lastly,  I  would  like  to  inform  you  that  at  the request of the
   Government,  the  President  of  the Chamber has agreed to extend to 4
   October  2005  the  time  allowed  for submission by the Government of
   translation into one of the Court's official languages of observations
   on the above application.

                             Yours faithfully,

                               Soren Nielsen

                             Section Registrar

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15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.