Судебное дело "Борисов против России"
УПОЛНОМОЧЕННЫЙ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ПРИ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ СУДЕ ПО ПРАВАМ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Representative Representant of the Russian Federation de la Federation de Russie aupres de at the European Court of Human Rights la Cour Europeenne des Droits de Г Homme 14, Zhitnaya, Moscow, 119991 tel. (495) 677-09-40, fax (495) 677-06-93 15 september 2010 No. 14-6907-10 EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Additional observations application no. 12543/09 Borisov v. Russia On 10 August 2010, the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as "the European Court") communicated to the authorities of the Russian Federation the applicant's observations on the above application together with his claims for just satisfaction and invited the authorities of the Russian Federation to submit their further observations and comments on the applicant's claims for just satisfaction. In this connection, the authorities of the Russian Federation would like to submit the following. 1. On 26 March 2010, the authorities of the Russian Federation submitted to the European Court the Memorandum, in which their position regarding the case Borisov v. Russia was stated. The Memorandum was submitted within the time limits established by the European Court. All of the applicant's arguments were examined in the said Memorandum and appropriate assessment was given thereto, as well as comprehensive answers were given to the questions posed by the European Court. 2. Hereby, the authorities of the Russian Federation entirely confirm their position stated in their Memorandum in respect of the above application and the questions of the European Court and would like to stress that the applicant has not advanced sufficient reasons that could possibly refute the submissions of the authorities of the Russian Federation as his objections appear to contain irrelevant speculations rather than new arguments ad rem concerning the subject-matter of the instant case. 3. Simultaneously, the authorities of the Russian Federation would like to draw the European Court's attention to the following. 4. According to the applicant, he made relevant calculations based on the information, presented by the authorities of the Russian Federation in their Memorandum, concerning the quantity of detainees in the cells of IZ-66/1 (See the applicant's observations, S: 1). In this connection it should be noted that in the applicant's calculations there are a lot of distorted facts and invalid inferences based on them. Therefore, the mentioned summary in the applicant's observations regarding violation of Article 3 of the Convention is not valid and the European Court's case-law (See the applicant's observations, S: 1-9) is irrelevant to this application. The authorities of the Russian Federation reiterate: * that all cells of IZ-66/1 in which the applicant was kept were equipped with forced-air supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive. Forced ventilation technical characteristics provided sufficient air circulation in cells; * there is a brick partition which separates the lavatory facility from the living area in all cells of IZ-66/1; * during the whole period of detention in IZ-66/1 the applicant was provided with all necessary bedding and dinnerware. The authorities of the Russian Federation believe that there was no violation of Article 3 of the Convention and the conditions of the applicant's detention were compatible with Article 3 of the Convention. 5. The authorities of the Russian Federation strongly disagree with the applicant's allegations that his right to be present and participate at an appeal hearing was violated and entirely confirm their position stated in the Memorandum in respect of these allegations (See S:S: 48-67 of the Memorandum). 6. The authorities of the Russian Federation reiterate that there are no reasons to assume that they have anyhow violated the applicant's conventional rights. Comments on the applicant's claims for just satisfaction 7. Considering the question of awarding just satisfaction, the Court is based on the fact that causal relation should lay between the damages, which the applicant suffered, and a breach of Conventional provisions (e.g., see Benthem v. Netherlands judgment of 23 October 1985, S: 46; Kalashnikov v. Russia, judgment of 15 July 2002, S:139). 8. Compensation can be awarded to the applicant only if the fact of violation of his rights, as guaranteed by the Convention, and the damage, he suffered resulting from the violation of his rights, are established as well as the causal link between the said violation and the inflicted damage. 9. The authorities of the Russian Federation would like to note that they do not consider that the rights of the applicant have been violated. However, if the Court finds any violation of the Convention, the finding of a violation would in itself be adequate just satisfaction in the applicant's case. Concerning the claims for non-pecuniary damage 10. In respect of the applicant's claim for non-pecuniary damage, the authorities of the Russian Federation, taken into account the Court's wide jurisprudence related to complaints against violations of Article 3 and Article 6 S:S:1 and 3 (c) of the Convention express their opinion that the amount of 15,000 Euros claimed by the applicant is excessive from the standpoint of the Court's approach grounded on the equitable basis (See Dorokhov v. Russia, judgment of 14 February 2008; Romanov v. Russia, judgment of 20 October 2005). 11. As for the applicant's claims for costs and expenses, the authorities of the Russian Federation note that, according to the Court's case-law, the applicants are entitled to reimbursement of their costs and expenses only in so far as it has been shown that they have been actually incurred and were reasonable as to quantum (see, Skorobogatova v. Russia, judgment of 1 December 2005, no. 33914/02, S: 61). Best regards, G. Matyushkin
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