The Deputies,
1. took note of the information provided by the Cypriot and Russian
authorities on the progress of the domestic investigations carried out
by both states;
2. stressed again the evident importance of close co-operation between
Cypriot and Russian authorities in this respect with a view to
ensuring that an effective investigation is carried out to identify
and punish those responsible;
3. encouraged the Cypriot and Russian authorities to continue their
co-operation in this respect;
4. emphasised the importance of ensuring that the applicant is
informed of all developments in the domestic investigations and in a
position to exercise any rights he may have in this respect;
5. decided to resume consideration of this item at their 1108th
meeting (March 2011) (DH), in the light of further information to be
provided by the authorities of both states on the progress of domestic
investigations and in the light of the assessment of general measures.
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