СПРАВКА Толкование Европейским Судом по правам человека права на уважение личной жизни, гарантированного статьей 8 Конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод, в аспекте защиты информации о личной жизни (извлечения из постановлений Европейского Суда) Постановление ЕСПЧ от 18.04.2013 по делу "Агеевы (Ageyevy) против России", жалоба N 7075/10, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-118602 193. The Court reiterates that under its Article 8 case-law the concept of "private life" is a broad term not susceptible to exhaustive definition, which covers, among other things, information relating to one's personal identity, such as a person's name, photo, or physical and moral integrity and generally extends to the personal information which individuals can legitimately expect should not be published without their consent. Постановление ЕСПЧ от 13.11.2012 по делу "M.M. (M.M.) против Соединенного Королевства", жалоба N 24029/07, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-114517 2. The Court's assessment (a) Applicability of Article 8 187. The Court reiterates that both the storing of information relating to an individual's private life and the release of such information come within the scope of Article 8 S: 1. Even public information can fall within the scope of private life where it is systematically collected and stored in files held by the authorities. Постановление ЕСПЧ от 04.12.2008 по делу "C. и Марпер (S. and Marper) против Соединенного Королевства" (жалобы N 30562/04, 30566/04), опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-90051 2. The Court's assessment (a) General principles 67. The mere storing of data relating to the private life of an individual amounts to an interference within the meaning of Article 8. The subsequent use of the stored information has no bearing on that finding. Постановление ЕСПЧ от 16.02.2000 по делу "Аманн (Amann) против Швейцарии", No. 27798/95, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-58497 65. The Court reiterates that the storing of data relating to the "private life" of an individual falls within the application of Article 8 S: 1. It points out in this connection that the term "private life" must not be interpreted restrictively. In particular, respect for private life comprises the right to establish and develop relationships with other human beings; furthermore, there is no reason of principle to justify excluding activities of a professional or business nature from the notion of "private life". That broad interpretation corresponds with that of the Council of Europe's Convention of 28 January 1981 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, which came into force on 1 October 1985 and whose purpose is "to secure in the territory of each Party for every individual ... respect for his rights and fundamental freedoms, and in particular his right to privacy, with regard to automatic processing of personal data relating to him" (Article 1), such personal data being defined as "any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual" (Article 2). Постановление ЕСПЧ от 25.11.1994 по делу "Стьерна (Stjerna) против Финляндии", жалоба No. 18131/91, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-57912 B. Applicability of Article 8 (art. 8) 37. The Court notes that Article 8 (art. 8) does not contain any explicit reference to names. Nonetheless, since it constitutes a means of personal identification and a link to a family, an individual's name does concern his or her private and family life. The fact that there may exist a public interest in regulating the use of names is not sufficient to remove the question of a person's name from the scope of private and family life, which has been construed as including, to a certain degree, the right to establish relationships with others (ibid.). The subject-matter of the complaint thus falls within the ambit of Article 8 (art. 8). Постановление ЕСПЧ от 16.05.2013 по делу "Гарнага (Garnaga) против Украины", жалоба N 20390/07, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-119681 36. Neither of the parties sought to question the applicability of Article 8 of the Convention in the instant case, and the Court sees no reason to do so. The Court recalls that in many similar cases concerning choice or change of forename or surname it established that this issue fell within the ambit of Article 8 of the Convention, since the forename and surname concerned the private and family life of an individual. The case of Bulgakov v. Ukraine (no. 59894/00, S: 42, 11 September 2007) also concerned the applicant's patronymic as part of his name. The subject matter of the application thus falls within the ambit of Article 8 of the Convention. Постановление ЕСПЧ от 09.10.2012 по делу "Алкая (Alkaya) против Турции", жалоба N 42811/06, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-114030 2. Appreciation de la Cour 28. La Cour rappelle avoir juge `a plusieurs reprises que la notion de vie privee est une notion large, non susceptible d'une definition exhaustive, qui englobe notamment le droit `a l'autonomie personnelle et au developpement personnel. Cette notion recouvre egalement l'integrite physique et morale de la personne, y compris le droit de vivre en prive, loin de toute attention non voulue. Elle peut parfois englober des aspects de l'identite physique et sociale d'un individu. La Cour rappelle egalement que la garantie offerte `a cet egard par l'article 8 de la Convention est principalement destinee `a assurer le developpement, sans ingerences exterieures, de la personnalite de chaque individu dans les relations avec ses semblables, et qu'il existe une zone d'interaction entre l'individu et des tiers qui, meme dans un contexte public, peut relever de la vie privee. 29. La Cour reaffirme par ailleurs que l'article 8 de la Convention protege le droit de l'individu au respect de son domicile, qui s'entend normalement comme le lieu, l'espace physiquement determine ou se developpe la vie privee et familiale. L'individu a droit au respect de son domicile, conc,u non seulement comme le droit `a un simple espace physique mais aussi comme celui `a la jouissance, en toute tranquillite, dudit espace. En ce sens, des atteintes au droit au respect du domicile visent egalement les atteintes immaterielles ou incorporelles. 30. En l'espece, la Cour note que la requerante se plaint d'une atteinte `a la fois `a son droit au respect de sa vie privee et `a son droit au respect de son domicile du fait de la mention, dans un article publie dans la presse, de son adresse domiciliaire. A cet egard, elle estime utile de souligner que le choix du lieu de residence est une decision essentiellement privee et que le libre exercice de ce choix fait partie integrante de la sphere d'autonomie personnelle, protegee par l'article 8 de la Convention. L'adresse domiciliaire d'une personne constitue en ce sens une donnee ou un renseignement d'ordre personnel qui releve de la vie privee et qui beneficie, `a ce titre, de la protection accordee `a celle-ci. C'est donc au regard des exigences de la protection de la vie privee que la Cour procedera `a l'examen de la presente affaire. Постановление ЕСПЧ от 03.04.2007 по делу "Копланд (Copland) против Соединенного Королевства", жалоба N 62617/00, опубликовано на официальном сайте ЕСПЧ по адресу http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-79996 2. Whether there was any interference with the rights guaranteed under Article 8 43. The Court observes that the use of information relating to the date and length of telephone conversations and in particular the numbers dialled can give rise to an issue under Article 8 as such information constitutes an "integral element of the communications made by telephone". The mere fact that these data may have been legitimately obtained by the College, in the form of telephone bills, is no bar to finding an interference with rights guaranteed under Article 8 (ibid.). Moreover, storing of personal data relating to the private life of an individual also falls within the application of Article 8 S: 1. Thus, it is irrelevant that the data held by the College were not disclosed or used against the applicant in disciplinary or other proceedings. 44. Accordingly, the Court considers that the collection and storage of personal information relating to the applicant's telephone, as well as to her e-mail and Internet usage, without her knowledge, amounted to an interference with her right to respect for her private life and correspondence within the meaning of Article 8. 07 ноября 2013 года Кудряков А.В. __________ 3
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