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Судебное дело "Алина Саблина против тайной трансплантации органов"

Письмо в ЕСПЧ о прохождении Конституционного Суда по делу Саблина против России




   3 June 2016

                                           European Court of Human Rights
                                                        Council of Europe

                                                   67075 Strasbourg Cedex


   Sablina and Others v. Russia (4460/16)

   Dear Sir or Madam,

   The  present letter provides further updated information pertaining to
   a  pending  application lodged with the European Court of Human Rights
   on  28  December  2015  in  the  case of Sablina and Others v. Russian
   (hereinafter the <>).

   On  27  July  2015, the Applicants filed a proceeding with the Russian
   Constitutional  Court challenging Article 8 of the Russian Federal Law
   on  Transplantation,  which  essentially  allows for secret removal of
   human  organs  for transplantation without consent. The proceeding was
   dismissed  on  10  February  2016,  after  the  applicants  lodged the
   Application with the ECHR.

   The  present  correspondence  includes  a copy of the proceeding filed
   with  the Russian Constitutional Court, as well as the decision of the
   Russian   Constitutional  Court  itself  which  demonstrates  a  total
   disregard  for  relevant  ECHR  case-law by the Russian Constitutional

   This  judicial  disregard for applicable European Convention standards
   will be addressed in greater detail at the communication stage, and we
   ask  that  the  Court  be  seize of the annexes provided below in this

   Submitted most respectfully,


    1. application to the Russian Constitutional Court;
    2. Decision by the Russian Constitutional Court.

   Dr. Anton Burkov,

   Representative of the Applicants

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15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.