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Ms Anna Demeneva
620072 Ekaterinburg Sirenevy bulvar 1-313

Dear Anna Demeneva,

Thank you for your application for the International Human Rights Academy to be held from 15 -28 August 2004 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the International Human Rights Academy. After a careful selection process which took into consideration the criteria of educational background, curriculum vitae, the motivation letter and the recommendations, the selection committee decided to award you a scholarship that will make your participation in this course possible. 

The scholarship includes the tuition fee (accommodation, meals, course material and excursions) and the travel expenses.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation within two weeks following this letter in order for the further arrangements to take place in time. Information concerning the programme, accommodation, visa and travel to the will be send to you after your confirmation.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Looking forward to your reply, 

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Leo Zwaak  Ms. Sanne Hirs
Professor of Human Rights Project coordinator
The Netherlands Institute of Human Rights International Office
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