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  • 5. OUR ACTIVITIES: General projects

    Major funding for innovative promotion of human rights

    In 2004 Sutyajnik received major grants from the European Commission (Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights), the MacArthur Foundation, and the Open Society Institute (Budapest) to conduct innovate projects that promote Human Rights.

    Internet Conference Center

    Sutyajnik received funds from the MacArthur Foundation to continue the work of a previously funded project that developed an «Internet Conference Center» («ICC») to disseminate human rights related information and data.

    The new project will enhance the ICC as a resource center of practical training on requirements and protections contained in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights (the «Convention»). ICC activities are targeted at human rights NGOs in the Urals Region, law enforcement agencies, and the general public.

    Through the internet and Sutyajnik’s web site (www.sutyajnik.ru), the ICC will disseminate up-to-date information about the Convention, and decisions and practices of the European Court of Human Rights. Training methods to explain local application of the Convention will be available via video and internet film.

    In addition, Sutyajnik will offer six-month stipends to young NGO lawyers who have successfully completed training at the ICC and wish to intern at human rights NGOs.

    This new project is designed to complement two other newly funded projects (by the OSI, Budapest and the European Commission) and will result in an improved distribution system for Human Rights information, improved communication and cooperation among a wide circle of Human Rights and socially activist NGOs, education of and cooperation with law enforcement agencies in raising their compliance with the Convention’s requirements, and motivation and assistance to ordinary citizens who wish to enjoy the rights protected by the Convention and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Litigation of Human Rights Cases in the Higher Russian Courts (Constitutional and Supreme) and in the European Court of Human Rights

    The Open Society Institute (Budapest) has agreed to fund a two-year Sutyajnik project to prepare and litigate human rights cases in higher Russian Courts and the European Court of Human Rights.  This project will build upon Sutyajnik’s previous OSI-funded project. Our goal is to resolve domestic human rights problems fostering domestic judicial practices that conform to international human rights standards stated in such international agreements as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

    Strategic litigation is key to achieving this goal. Through consultations with the public and the legal establishment and review of the media, Sutyajnik will identify and challenge actions at the local, regional, and federal level that violate international norms of human rights and identify the need for new legislation to reform institutions that violate human rights. 

    Sutyajnik will continue to operate the Consultative Bureau funded previously by the OSI, providing advice on the practical application of human rights norms to the actions of the local, regional, and federal government.

    In connection with this project, Sutyajnik will focus on those areas previously identified as most frequently subject to violation: discrimination, violence directed by law enforcement agencies against citizens and foreigners, and barriers to NGOs enjoyment of the right of association.

    To initiate this project, Sutyajnik will host a conference on bringing Russian legal practices and legislation into conformity with international human rights standards, participants of which will include representatives of NGOs, government authorities, the mass media and the education establishment. 

    Sutyajnik will also publish materials on the protection of human rights. At the conclusion of the project Sutyajnik will prepare a report on Russian legislation and legal practices that must be enacted or reformed to conform to international human rights standards. Sutyajnik will also continue to update its web-accessible database of its human rights cases in the European Court.

    Lastly Sutyajnik will train and utilize young legal interns as new soldiers in the battle for human rights. 

    Practical School of International Human Rights Protection for Young Lawyers

    Sutyajnik received an 18-month grant from the European Commission as part of the Commission’s European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights to conduct a «Practical School of International Human Rights Protection for Young Lawyers».

    This project will target student-lawyers, young representatives and lawyers of human rights NGOs and newly hired advocates and lawyers of municipal and state authorities.  We will establish a resource educational centre offering practical training to these young lawyers in the international protection of human rights from torture, discrimination and xenophobia.  By strengthening connections between regional NGOs, specializing in protecting victims of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, discrimination and xenophobia, we will expand the publicly available network of free, qualified legal assistance. 

    By creating an informal network of such organizations, the project will assist participants in establishing a strategy for the effective selection of cases and a management system to optimize the work of all participating organizations. 

    The Practical School will offer participants five sessions, each running three or four days, with sufficient time in between for substantial homework on a variety of human rights topics. Handbooks and videos are to be issued on the project. At its conclusion, participants will compete for five three-week internships at Sutyajnik.

    The Cooperating with the International Senior Lawyers Project

    Since 2004 Sutyajnik has cooperated with the International Senior Lawyers Project (www.islp.org). ISLP provided Sutyajnik legal assistance from two global law firms with offices in Moscow, New York, London, Boston. Volunteer lawyers assisted in preparing legal documents for cases before the European Court of Human Rights, the Russian Supreme Court and the Russian Constitutional Court. ISLP organized for two volunteers (retired attorney Douglas Kramer and Dr. Judith Ahrens) to work in Ekaterinburg pro bono for three months.  They helped to increase our capacity and professionalism to meet the needs of the Russian community, as well as to work on court cases and public relations.


    IT'S TIME // 2004 Annual Report

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