Судебное дело "Сутяжник против России (8269/02)"
УПОЛНОМОЧЕННЫЙ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ПРИ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ СУДЕ ПО ПРАВАМ ЧЕЛОВЕКА Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights Representant de la Federation de Russie aupres de la Cour EuropSenne des Droits de I'Homme Mr.SоrenNIELSEN First Section Registrar, European Court of Human Rights COUNCIL OF EUROPE STRASBOURG - FRANCE Application no. 8269/02 SUTYAZHNIK v. Russia Dear Sir, The Russian Federation authorities acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 2 May 2006 with the applicant's proposals for a friendly settlement in enclosure. Having examined the applicant's proposals at issue the Russian Federation authorities advise the Court that they cannot accept it. Generally the relevant project can be implemented by the Russian Federation authorities only on the competitive basis (according to the Federal Law of 21 July 2005 No 94-3), moreover the relevant funds (5 000 000 Russian roubles) should be provided by the federal budget in advance. At the same time it should be noted that in alternative to the friendly settlement of the present case the applicant has claimed 3000 Euro as a compensation for the alleged non-pecuniary damage. The Russian Federation authorities consider that such a big difference between the applicant's just satisfaction claims and proposals for friendly settlement evidently demonstrates that they both suffers from tack of any motivation and are of speculative manner. On the above stated and without prejudice to the Russian Federation authorities position as to the admissibility and merits of the present case the Russian Federation authorities are persuaded that even in case of possible finding a violation this mere fact in itself would be sufficient just satisfaction for the applicant. Pavel Laptev
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