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 May 2004
NGO Sutyajnik Annual Report 2003

SUTYAJNIK (Yekaterinburg, Russia), a non-governmental human rights organization founded in Yekaterinburg in 1994, has released its 2003 Annual Report WE ARE TEN, a comprehensive overview of work completed in its 10th year of operations. As a resource center for many non-governmental public interest groups of the Ural region, Sutyajnik provides free legal defense of the rights and interests of citizens and their associations. Featuring introduction by Tatyana Merzlyakova, the Human Rights Ombudsman of Sverdlovsk oblast, the Report provides information on the main three areas of Sutyajnik engagement—legal services (legal counselling, the defence of human rights  in  domestic and international forums), general projects, and public education (sponsoring panels and seminars, interviews on the media, publications). 

Please click here for the report in html format, in its entirety.

A hard copy may be ordered online here

From the Introduction:

        “The NGO Sutyajnik continues to maintain a high level of activity […]  The list of judicial decisions in cases initiated by Sutyajnik at all levels, including the European Court of Human Rights, which have led to various corrections of the decrees of the Mayor of Yekaterinburg is truly impressive.  There were three such decisions just in 2003. The Oblast Charter Court considered two cases against the administration of Yekaterinburg, and in another, the Federal Court for the Lenin rayon of Yekaterinburg struck down a decree of the Mayor of Yekaterinburg”. 

Tatyana Merzlyakova, the Human Rights Ombudsman of Sverdlovsk oblast, member of the Sutyajnik’s Board of Directors.

Sutyajnik expresses gratitude to the International Senior Lawyers Project for providing support in editing the Report through Natasha Lisman's assistance.

For more information on Sutyajnik please refer to http://www.sutyajnik.ru/eng

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News Agency Sutyajnik-Press                                           +7-343-355-36-51

  • 2003 Annual Report WE ARE TEN in Russian >>> 
  • 2002 Annual Report WE WILL BE SOON 10 YEARS OLD in English >>> in Russian >>> 
  • Board of Advisers >>>
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