«A Decade in the Struggle for Human Rights» | |||||||||||||||||
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14 October 2006. FORTHCOMING BOOK IN ENGLISH: Anton Burkov, Impact of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on Russian Law (Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, forthcoming, 2007, ISBN 3-89821-639-X, ISSN 1614-3515). In 2006, the Russian Federation observed its 10-year anniversary of membership in the Council of Europe. In 2008, the Russian Federation will mark 10 years since it ratified the Council’s major document – the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention). This book looks into the practice of honoring main Russia’s legal obligation under the Convention to secure to everyone within its jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention 14 October 2006. New Book on Implementation of the European Convention of Human Rights in Russian Courts. The sixth volume in the series International Human Rights Protection entitled Implementation of the European Convention of Human Rights in Russian Courts has been published 10 April 2006. Sutyajnik announced its new book The Obligations of States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights to Execute Judgments of the European Court. In April 2006 NGO Sutyajnik published the book entitled The Obligations of States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights to Execute Judgments of the European Court. This is the fifth volume in the series International Human Rights Protection established by Sutyajnik in 2001. 29 November 2005. Book on Judicial Review under Russian Law Legal Defence of Citizens’ Rights against Unconstitutional Laws published by NGOSutyajnik. Until 1993 those under the Soviet and then Russian jurisdictions did not have any legal remedy against unconstitutional laws. The lack of access to court was due primarily to the fact that under Soviet law judges did not have the authority to create law, including the power to review acts of the government... 30 October 2005. The book entitled Right to Life, Prohibition of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: European Standards, Russian Legislation and Practice. In October NGO “Sutyajnik” published the book entitled Right to life, Prohibition of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: European Standards, Russian Legislation and Practice. This is the fourth volume of the series International Human Rights Protection established by Sutyajnik in 2001 >>> 1 August 2005 Sutyajnik welcomes the ‘revolutionary’ judgment by the Constitutional Court that overturned an ‘evil’ law. On 14 July 2005, the Russian Constitutional Court decided a landmark case on the right to a fair trial. The Federal Government Order of execution of judgments with a peculiar number 666 was ruled unconstitutional. In essence the Court held that an important category of judgments against the Government can now be enforced. Prior to this decision plaintiffs could win the judgment against the Government but had to rely on the Government’s good will in order for the judgment to be executed >>> 25 June 2005 SUTYAJNIK has released its 2004 Annual Report IT'S TIME... >>> 24 June 2005 Ann Demeneva, legal specialist at the Ural Centre for the Constitutional and International Defence of Human Rights (Sutyajnik, Yekaterinburg), has contributed a paper to the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre. Anna conceders the right to legal assistance under the Criminal Procedure Code. Read the full text of the article >>> 25 May 2005 Eight-Year Fight for the Right to Association or The Guide on Self-Protection for All Non-Governmental Organizations in Russia. Lawyers and activists of the non-government association Sutyajnik are celebrating the victory over the corrupt bureaucracy. This association of young human rights lawyers has won its court case against the Regional Department of Justice in Sverdlovsk >>> 12 April 2005 The book entitled The Right to Liberty and Security of the Person: European Standards and Russian Practice. In April 2005, Sutyajnik published a book >>> 21 December 2004 Russian human rights resource center “Sutyajnik” announces major funding of innovative promotion of human rights >>> 21 December 2004 The Legal Order of the Russian Federation and the Council of Europe Standards. This article surveys the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on the merits of cases involving the Russian Federation, as well as decisions on admissibility of cases for which a decision is pending, during the entire period during which Russia has submitted to the Court’s jurisdiction >>> 3 December 2004 The two staff members of "Sutyajnik" were invited to the THIRD GLOBAL LINKING & LEARNING PROGRAMME ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS (1-10 December 2004, Alcochete, Portugal) >>> 1 December 2004 NGO Sutyajnik lends volunteer experts to Union of Human Rights Defenders organization NGO Sutyajnik (Yekaterinburg, Russia) gave a prime example of its mission as a resource center for Human Rights NGOs in the Sverdlovsk region when it loaned its volunteers, Judith Ahrens and Douglas Kramer, from the International Senior Lawyers Project, based in New York, to the Union of Human Rights Defenders organizations, Ekaterinburg, for a two-day, eight-hour workshop on Strategic Planning, on November 22 and 23, 2004 >>> 26 November 2004 A. Demeneva, A. Burkov, "Probable Legal Consequences of Rakevich v. Russia," Human Rights Law Review Student Supplement 2003-2004, August 2004, at 7. The seventh case from Russia to win in the European Court of Human Rights concerned the involuntary confinement of psychiatric patients. Anna Demeneva, the applicant’s legal representative in the case, and Anton Burkov discuss what this result may mean for Russian legal and medical practice (pdf file 437 kb) >>> 11 November 2004 NEW BOOK ON HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLEMENTATION IN RUSSIA: Anton Burkov, a lawyer with NGO Sutyajnik, has contributed his research on "Detention of Mentally Ill Persons in the Russian Federation under Article 5 of the ECHR" to the book "The Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in Russia: Philosophical, Legal, and Empirical Studies" (= Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics & Society, Vol. 1) >>> 12 October 2004 Sutyajnik Awarded Legal Aid in case Sutyajnik vs. Russia.The European Court of Human Rights has recognized the significance of a challenge to the lack of a fair trial in a case challenging the denial of re-registration of an NGO in Russia >>> 7 October 2004 "My Dad Is In Prison: The Right of Prisoners and Their Spouses to Have Children" >>> 27 August 2004 NGO SUTYAJNIK: A Decade in the Struggle for Human Rights Today there are many non-governmental organizations in Russia, but few are as old as the Russian Constitution or Russian Parliament. The NGO called “Sutyajnik,” born at the same time as the new Russian Constitution, has been fighting for the human rights protected by that Constitution and by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights ever since. Entering its second decade on 29 August 2004, NGO Sutyajnik can look with pride on its accomplishments over the past ten years >>> Sutyajnik v. Russia: Observations of the Applicant in Reply to the Memorandum of the Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights >>> June 2004: NGO Sutyajnik Update by Anton Burkov Sutyanik’s recent and upcoming activities include the following >>> NGO Sutyajnik Annual Report 2003 WE ARE TEN SUTYAJNIK has released its 2003 Annual Report WE ARE TEN, a comprehensive overview of work completed in its 10th year of operations >>> The European Court of Human Rights is examining situation with right to a fair trial and right to association in Russia The European Court of Human Rights has admitted the application of non-governmental organization Sutyajnik against Russia >>> Playing the UN by Anton Burkov (a short story about the National Model UN, New York, 6-10 April 2004) "We had only 5 days to save the Earth" >>> 2003 Annual Report "We Are Ten" in Russian >>> English >>> January 2004: NGO Sutyajnik Update by Anton Burkov >>> NGO Sutyajnik 2003 Report on Human Rights Violations in Sverdlovsk oblast in Russian >>> NGO Sutyajnik Welcomes the European Court of Human Rights Judgment on the Rakevich v. Russia Case of 28 October 2003 >>> Sutyajnik – A Brief Introduction What are we? SUTYAJNIK is a non-governmental human rights organization founded in Yekaterinburg, Russia in 1994. Sutyajnik’s mission is to serve as a human rights resource center which assists citizens and organizations to realize the rights guaranteed in the Russian Constitution and international treaties, by litigating public interest cases, educating in human rights, and informing the public about the mechanisms for human rights protection. One of Sutyajnik’s principal goals is to defend human rights by seeking to bring domestic legislation and practice into conformity with international and constitutional standards in these areas More >>> |
Russian Civil Judicial System OUR VICTORY
Sutyajnik Management Recommendation
NGO Sutyajnik's 2004 Annual Report IT'S TIME... >>> ![]() NGO Sutyajnik's 2003 Annual Report WE ARE TEN >>> ![]() NGO Sutyajnik's 2002 Annual Report Guests Book |
Author of the web-site - Anton Burkov